Link to wardriving.com
Current News |
Feburary 33 2012
Feburary 13 2012
January 5 2012
December 28 2011
- Reaver is a tool that claims to crack WPA-PSK keys in under 10 hours via a side-channel attack. Update: That side-channel is brute forcing WPS numbers.
- Press Release
- Code
January 12 2009
June 17 2008
May 30 2008
December 3 2007
August 23 2007
March 2 2007
July 5 2006
March 31 2006
March 28 2006
So..you are probably wondering what this post is doing here among news from 6 months ago. Well guess what, in the past 6 months not much has happened with "wardriving" as a concept. It only has so far to grow and it's reached maturity. So like all good mature things, you cut it loose. So the site will remain, in an archived form, until something happens. I have since moved on to new projects, a new employer and new things in general. So I will post links to those new things, but they are not specifically hacking / wireless related. You just have to wait, and it won't be 6 months this time. ;)
September 20 2005
August 29 2005
- So tonight around 10pm I'm gonna be a guest on the radio show "Computer America" so listern, or call in and hear me make a fool of myself. Auctually I hope to dispell some myths about wardriving and educate some people.
- An archive of the show is here.
August 11 2005
August 9 2005
July 22 2005
July 11 2005
July 6 2005
June 21 2005
May 18 2005
- Tom's hardware finished part 2 of the 'How to Crack WEP' So here's Part 1 and Part 2
April 15 2005
April 7 2005
April 7 2005
March 20 2005
March 9 2005
February 15 2005
January 28 2005
January 25 2005
First I want to thank everyone for the emails of encourgement, next I want to say next week I will hopefully have free time while on a business trip to do some work on the site. Now for some old news.
- SchmooCon 2005! Feb 4-6, 2005, Washington DC. - sadly I won't make it :( ...but a city full of hackers and feds HAS to be a good time.
- Plazes.com - an effort to locate a lot of public access hotspots. - thanks daniel
- WLAN and VOIP a match made in heaven? - thanks t0nedeph
- CBS ran an Article and Video of Frank Keeney (socalwug) wardriving around.
- SecurityFocus has an article on wireless crackin g. - thanks NCMedic
- Some hacker news - thanks nanotek
- Email me if you live near Birmingham Alabama and are responsible enough to be interviewed by the news.
- 'Evil twin' fear for wireless net
- Warskating from Dual and oldskoolphreak.com
- Senao 2611-AP3 / 2611-CB3 Hacking Page
- RadioLabs.com sells wireless equipment.
January 2 2005
December 17 2004
December 8 2004
December 1 2004
So. As you might have noticed, I am a lazy bastard that doesn't update his site and is letting a great idea rot on a fragile server. no. yes. no. kinda. I have been busy, 50 hour weeks, ya whine, bitch, moan, etc. I really want this to survive, I really want it to be easy, and I won't give up on having a webspace to publish and point to ideas, news, and new things. I do care about those of you who email me, yet I recently have not found time to sift through those emails and post your links, post your ideas, etc. Between coming home at 6pm, eating and trying to organize my new living quarters, this site has suffered. no more. I have grand disillusions of reviving WarLinux, of having a stable server, and painting my bathrooom. I am not asking you for anything. This is not a cry for "take over my shit" or "lets make a fuzzy happy wardriving community", its me screaming "FUCK" at the top of my lungs over work, people, things, time and overall my life at 12:01 am on Dec 1, 2004.
November 11 2004
October 9 2004
September 13 2004
September 1 2004